Socorro Gross, PAHO/WHO Representative in Brazil, visits BIREME

The PAHO/WHO Representative in Brazil, Dr. Socorro Gross Galiano, visited BIREME for the first time on June 6th, in order to get acquainted with its technical cooperation program, management and insitutionality, and to participate in activities aimed towards the institutional strengthening of the Center. Under the leadership of Diego González, Director, and with the participation of BIREME managers and collaborators, the program also included the participation of the Sub-mayor of Santo Amaro, Janaína Lopes de Martini and of the advisors from the Conselho Municipal do Meio Ambiente, Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Cultura da Paz (CADES) of Santo Amaro. Everyone was informed about successful local initiatives that are underway in Santo Amaro for promoting health and cooperating with the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda.

Peru hosted the V International Congress on Medical Education

The V International Congress on Medical Education took place in Lima, Peru, from May 30 to June 1st. The Congress was organized by the Asociación Peruana de Facultades de Medicina and had over a thousand participants, among which were students, university teachers and deans of medical schools. BIREME had a relevant participation in the scientific programming of the event and was represented by its Director, Dr. Diego González, by the Coordinator of Scientific Communication, Dr. Lilian Calò and by the Librarian from the field of Information Services, Elisabeth Biruel.

BIREME coordinates the virtual workshop ACURIL 2019

Within the context of the technical cooperation of BIREME/PAHO/WHO in Latin America and the Caribbean in technical and scientific health information management, BIREME coordinated the virtual workshop and pre-conference “New Cataloguing Data Entry Competencies for VHL in the Caribbean” during the 49th Conference of the Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL), which took place in Aruba, from June 2 to 9, 2019, with the central theme “Access and opportunity for all: Caribbean Libraries, Archives and Museums Supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals”.

Strengthening National Capacities in Health Information

The Latin American and Caribbean Center for Health Sciences Information (BIREME/PAHO/WHO), in its mission to contribute to strengthen health in the countries of the Region through the democratization of access, publication and use of scientific information, management and evidence, develops and releases to countries and institutions products and services that aim to strengthen capacities in health information and disseminate networking methodologies. In the month of June, activities were held in Argentina and Paraguay, during which local coordinators of the VHL Network and PAHO/WHO focal points, without the presence of BIREME representatives, developed training actions on the tools developed by the Center, giving them relevance and visibility.

Colombia VHL launches its first Knowledge Showcase on mental health and migration

BIREME has developed the Knowledge Showcase methodology with the purpose of supporting countries of the Region in the development of content that promotes visibility and access to digital resources of relevant and trustable information selected by experts and focused on priority health topics. Applying the concept and the available model, Colombia VHL launched a Knowledge Showcase on the topic of Mental Health and Migration, with the objective of contributing to decision-making based on evidence, to the strengthening of cooperative work and to the support of technical cooperation in health.

BIREME, aiming at being a high-performance team

The collaborators of the Latin American and Caribbean Center for Health Sciences Information (BIREME/PAHO/WHO) held the third meeting for their strengthening as a high-performance team. The program, coordinated by an outsourced consultant, considered conceptual discussions and activities that contributed to the development of competencies in favor of an organizational environment and atmosphere that are favorable for individual and collective learning.