BIREME Bulletin n° 16

Members of PAHO/WHO Executive Management visited BIREME in 2017

The Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (BIREME) celebrated its 50th Anniversary in 2017. During this year many events were held, and products and services were provided together with institutional supporters and partners, former directors, employees and users from all countries in the Latin America and Caribbean Region.

BIREME is a Specialized Center of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), which supports PAHO/WHO in its mission of improving health of people in the countries in the Region, through access to scientific information and evidence in health. Based on this purpose, the members of the PAHO/WHO Executive Management took part in the events at BIREME throughout the year, which were held in coordination with PAHO/WHO Brazil, under the leadership of JoaquĂ­n Molina, PWR.

In 2017 the following participants stood out:

Francisco Becerra, Assistant Director (AD) of PAHO/WHO, came to BIREME in several occasions, particularly for the opening of the new facilities, and for the general coordination of meetings of BIREME’s Governance Committees (Advisory and Scientific Committees). These committees are integrated by members and specialists who represent the countries in the Region, which are Member States of the Organization. It is worth mentioning that BIREME is institutionally linked to the new Department of Evidence and Intelligence in Health (EIH) at the AD Office, who is also the EIH Department’s Interim Director.


Isabela Danel, Deputy Director (DD), who represented the PAHO/WHO Director in an internal event attended by representatives from over 70 national organizations, former directors and employees of the Center. Moreover, she participated in external events in national health organizations, such as Hospital Menino Jesus, from the Municipal Health Department of SĂŁo Paulo, and at Faculdade de SaĂșde PĂșblica – Universidade de SĂŁo Paulo.


Gerald Anderson, Administration Manager (AM) visited BIREME facilities and took part in internal meetings with the local Administration team, and remotely with directors of the Headquarters administrative staff, to address topics related to the Center’s general operation. These topics included information technology infrastructure, procurement and contracts, general services, and support to personnel management and development.


According to director Diego Gonzalez, “the presence of members of the Executive Management at BIREME was an opportunity to show the Center’s strengths and technical and administrative actions it is currently developing”.

The participation and involvement of PAHO/WHO Executive Management members and the resulting joint actions strengthened the institutional development of BIREME and its internal and external relations; this resulted in continuing improvement of its management, as well as effective implementation of the technical cooperation program and development of products and services related to scientific health information.”


The Executive Management (EXM) of PAHO/WHO was established by the Director of the Organization in February 2003, to leading management and implementing the decisions made by the Organization Governing Bodies. The EXM is composed by the Director, Deputy Director (DD), Assistant Director (AD), Administration Director (AD) and the Chief of Staff (CoS), who is the secretary of the team (EXM).

The DD Office represents the Organization when the Director is absent; acts as Secretary of the Governing Bodies; and officially supervises the relations with the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico, including the Congress and the Administration Departments.

The AD Office guarantees that the program plans and the budgets of the technical departments be prepared and performed according to the organization procedures, and the coordination of these areas be optimized. Moreover, it promotes collaboration with Areas and Units in other Offices and institutions outside the Organization; and provides strategic orientation to developing public health interventions at regional and national levels, thus ensuring consistency with the global mandates.

The AM Office supervises the administrative areas and managerial operations in the Country Offices and enables implementing the technical cooperation programs.

The PAHO/WHO Director is the leader of the Executive Management team who coordinates the strategic collaboration efforts of PAHO/WHO among the Member States and other partners. The aims are to promote equity in health, achieve the highest quality in services and access to healthcare systems, prevent and control diseases, and improve quality of life of the peoples in the Americas, ensuring a transparent, ethical and responsible performance.

PAHO is an International Public Health Agency with over 100-year experience, designed to improve health and the living standards in the American countries. It works as a specialized health organization in the Inter-American System. It also serves as a World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for the Americas and is internationally acknowledged as part of the United Nations System.

Sources: PAHO/WHO Institutional webpage, PAHO/WHO intranet; and BIREME Bulletin.

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