The Latin American and Caribbean Center for Information on Health Sciences of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (BIREME/PAHO/WHO) develops scientific and technical information products and services in health through the formalization of Agreements respective to technical cooperation projects with the countries of the Region, as well as those in the fields of teaching and research. PAHO/WHO, the Brazilian Ministry of Health (MINSAL), and national government institutions have been the main institutional partners of BIREME throughout the 54 years of the Center’s existence.
To manage and monitor the respective and relevant projects, BIREME has developed and perfected an efficient methodology and system of controls that allow for the monitoring of the development status of these projects, the use of the financial resources involved, the presentation of results reports, the period of duration, and effective communication between the Centerâs internal teams and the counterparts involved. And thus, configuring a participatory, transparent, and constant way that ensures the achievement of the results agreed upon between the parties.
Below are the components that constitute project management in BIREME/PAHO/WHO:
- Mapping of the phases that characterize the preparation of proposals, approval, monitoring, and management of projects;
- Formatted control for cost estimates;
- Proposal of projects in an established format with numerical control to present to the potential counterpart;
- Operation of the DotProject System for recording technical progress and monitoring through the counterpartsâ focal points;
- Preparation and sending of results reports;
- Biweekly follow-up meetings with internal teams;
- Regular meetings with the focal points of the national counterparts; and
- Dissemination of the results via the formal Communication Channels of the Center.
It is worth noting that this set of components and actions makes it possible to monitor and share the status of the projects with internal teams and with counterparts, for the effective achievement of results with all those involved. In the biweekly meetings with the collaborators dedicated to each of the projects under development, the status of formalization of the proposals is updated, the progress in the developments and eventual issues that may interfere with the achievements, and which may require support to move forward, are shared. Related acquisitions are registered in PAHO/WHO’s PMIS financial management system, aligned with the Organization’s policies and procedures.
Silvia Almeida de Valentin, GA/Adm Manager, stressed that even during the emergency teleworking due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, BIREME achieved significant results with national counterparts and BIREME teams, due to its efforts in project management and effective communication, albeit remotely, which even allowed for the achievement of results in consensus, planned financial disbursements, and also the formalization of new projects.
In the first semester of 2021, the following efforts stand out: Legisalud Argentina; Scholarly Communication Course in the Portuguese language, VHL Primary Health Care (VHL APS); e-BlueInfo; Country Profiles; Library Reference Network; Online course in Leishmaniasis; Evid@Easy; DeCS/MeSH Finder; and Selection of LILACS journals, among others.
Thus, in the 2020-2021 biennium, BIREME counts on PAHO’s regular resources, with more than 20 (twenty) terms of cooperation in coordination with PAHO/WHO Brazil and more than 10 (ten) projects with Departments of PAHO Headquarters and Country Offices, and also with the WHO in Geneva ensuring a comprehensive and effective management of the 2020-2021 Biannual Work Plan (BWP 20-21) funding sources projected for the Center.