The Thirteenth Term of Adjustment to Cooperation Term 95 (TA13/TC95) between the Brazilian Ministry of Health (MS from its acronym in Portuguese) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) has been formalized since the end of December 2024 and will count on BIREME’s cooperation with developments related to information and knowledge management. The validity of TC95 was extended to 2026, for the implementation of actions linked to “Improving the Management of the Executive Secretariat of the Ministry of Health of Brazil – Executive Secretariat of the Ministry of Health (SE/MS)”.
TA13, specifically, aims to develop actions aligned with the “Implementation and dissemination of knowledge and health information management”. Its objectives, which are aimed at health professionals, researchers and users of the Unified Health System (SUS), include promoting cooperation and technical assistance between the Brazilian government and PAHO/WHO to contribute to improving knowledge and health information management, editorial management and document management and preservation and the dissemination of health information with a view to strengthening the Unified Health System (SUS).
BIREME and PAHO Brazil will support the development of the following macro-activities:
- Promote the improvement and innovation of the tools of scientific and technical information sources, fostering open access, expanding the dissemination and use of health evidence within the Unified Health System (SUS);
- Strengthen the Brazil VHL cooperation network with a view to improving the management and dissemination of health information;
- Develop a portal that consolidates initiatives by universities and libraries involving collections of documents, interviews and testimonies about COVID-19 – the Pandemic Memorial; and
- Improve and consolidate knowledge and information management services and products.
TA13 also aims to foster technical cooperation to support the expansion and enhancement of the intellectual capacity of the Sub Secretariat for Administrative Affairs (SAA/SE/MS) by modernizing information and knowledge management, promoting national and international exchanges and technical cooperation with institutions of interest to public health and document preservation. Of particular relevance are the dissemination of health information and the promotion of an editorial culture aimed at strengthening the efficiency of health decisions, collaborative and innovative action and the quality of health services offered by SUS.
TA6 and TA9 – Finalization
At a meeting held on December 12, 2024, between the BIREME, CGDI/MS and PAHO Brazil teams, the results of the technical cooperation achieved in 2024 were presented and acknowledged:
- Addition of 12,625 new records and updating of 40,836 in databases such as LILACS, with 45% of Brazilian scientific production;
- Contribution of the Brazilian Network with 25 thousand records for 68 databases, including regional sources such as Leyes and Events Directory, representing 49.5% of the total;
- Update of 11 thematic showcases in the Knowledge Showcase Portal and creation of the COREMU SMS-SP showcase;
- Production and/or updating of six evidence maps on topics such as bioenergetics, teleodontology, alcohol consumption, motorcycle accidents, food and nutrition, and the use of the Bispectral Index;
- Technical support and assistance for the operation and maintenance of the VHL MoH, Portal of VHL Stations Network and Portal of BiblioSUS Network; and
- Implementation of advanced indexing courses with creation of specific content and promotion of events, including training for referees, with 265 participants from 21 countries, including Brazil.
About TC95
TC95 was established in 2016 with the aim of supporting processes to improve management practices within the Executive Secretariat of the Ministry of Health (SE/MS). In the addendum terms prior to TC13, BIREME led the initiatives aimed at promoting and strengthening SUS through actions to disseminate and manage information and scientific and technical knowledge in health.
The results achieved in the context of this Cooperation Agreement, which are aligned with the priorities of national technical cooperation in health information and knowledge management, were also recognized by the formalization and continuity of cooperation with the formalization of TA13/TC95.