The Nursing VHL Network holds its XIII International Meeting in PanamĂĄ City

With the objective of strengthening the International Nursing Virtual Health Library (VHL) and of outlining cooperation strategies for creating and strengthening its sources of information in Latin America, the XIII International Meeting of the Nursing VHL Network was held on September 24, in Panama City, Panama. BIREME’s participation was noteworthy and was focused on the contribution to the LILACS database and the strengthening of the Nursing VHL Brazil.

Nicaragua works on strengthening the health information component

Since Nicaragua is one of the PAHO/WHO key countries, it also constitutes a priority for BIREME, and in this occasion the country received a visit from the Director of the specialized Center on Health Sciences Information, Dr. Diego GonzĂĄlez, who held strategic meetings with national counterparts related to the scientific and technical information component, as well as with the technical team of the PAHO/WHO office in the country. The reactivation of the Virtual Health Library and the adoption of tools for strengthening information systems and scientific communication were the objectives of the work undertaken.

Strengthening capacities in health scholarly communication in Paraguay

With the objective of offering scientific editors, researchers, health professionals and post-graduate students the most important elements to keep in mind while writing scientific articles, PAHO Paraguay, through its Knowledge Management team, in collaboration with the Instituto Nacional de Salud of the Ministry of Health and BIREME/PAHO/WHO, organized a Workshop on Scholarly communication in Health. Dr. Lilian CalĂČ, BIREME Scholarly Communication Coordinator, oversaw the activity, which took place on September 17-19.

Administration and its effective support for the technical cooperation of BIREME/PAHO/WHO

Collaborators from the Administration and Planning Management (GA) of BIREME participated at the Regional Training on Operational Excellence in Procurement, in September 2019, which contributed to the development of collective and individual competences, thus collaborating with the efficiency of the management and administration activities, as well as with the Center’s operations for the effective implementation of its technical cooperation program in the Region.

Representatives from ULAN, Medical School of Angola, visit BIREME

A delegation from the Medical School of the Universidade Lueji A’Nkonde, from Malanje, Angola (ULAN), visited BIREME on September 6th, in order to identify joint actions to strengthen the School’s scientific and technical information management, as well as that of North Luanda and Angola. Visitors were presented to the lines of work of the Center and discussed ways of supporting ULAN to strengthen its capacities in health information and scientific communication.

BIREME joins the Wellness Week celebration

Since its creation by the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) in 2011, Wellness Week has served as a call for action to fight non-transmissible diseases and promote health through the generation of healthy environments. BIREME is known for stimulating the practice of healthy lifestyle habits among its collaborators yearlong, and during Wellness Week 2019, activities were organized to celebrate the campaign and contribute to the health and well-being of collaborators and their families.