In the context of the 2022-2023 biennial work plan, find out about the main achievements of BIREME in 2023. The progress made in the implementation of its technical cooperation programme demonstrates the Centre’s commitment to supporting the countries of the Region in the use of technical and scientific information for health decision-making.
BIREME Bulletin n° 85
Brazilian Ministry of Health Library celebrates 70 years: living repository of public health is part of the VHL
Created in 1953 to serve the new Ministry of Health of Brazil, the Library completes 70 years of recognized history and keeps updated its mission of preserving the memory of public health in the country. Part of this history is shared with BIREME, which, since 2001, has supported their collection on the internet, and with the development of information products and services.
Global Index Medicus registers growth and has its information architecture updated by BIREME
Responsible for the Global Index Medicus technological platform and for collecting and processing the metadata of the World Health Organization’s Regional Indexes, BIREME announces consolidated indicators for the year of 2023. Results show growth in the number of records and users, improvement of information services, and update of data architecture.
Information and Knowledge Management: BIREME supports strengthening of local capacities of the VHL São Paulo
Results for the last half of 2023 refer to the third phase of the technical cooperation established since 2010 between BIREME and the Municipal Health Department of São Paulo, through the VHL SMS São Paulo. Check out the results and activities developed in the period, with the renewal of the online portal, reestablishment of the Collaboration Network, and publication of new information resources.
LILACS Brazil announces new calendar for evaluation and selection of new journals
LILACS announces new date for submissions to its Journal Evaluation and Selection Committee. From 2024, the selection process will take place in April. The article also provides information on last year’s selection and the criteria and procedures for including journals and documents.
2023 in Retrospective: BIREME accelerates the digital transformation of health information
2023 was marked by important events for public health and PAHO, with the start of Dr Jarbas Barbosa’s term as director of the Organization in January and the announcement of the end of the COVID-19 global emergency in May. At BIREME, the first year of director João Paulo Souza’s tenure included the approval of the new Strategy 2023-2025, which guides the use of scientific information for health action while accelerating the digital transformation of the sector toward PAHO’s mission of Health for All. Read more about the highlights of the year in the article.