BIREME Bulletin n° 1

BIREME launches new Bulletin

For 49 years, the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (BIREME/PAHO/WHO) has contributed to the equipe_birdevelopment of health in the countries of the region, by means of democratization of access, publication and use of information, knowledge and scientific evidence. It provides projects, products and services to users who search, share, and produce scientific and technical information in health.

Therefore, BIREME is committed to the health sciences community to promote its activities, innovations and advances. The presence of the Center staff in the main events in the area since its establishment, the organization of meetings, such as the Regional Congresses on Health Sciences Information (CRICS, starting in 1992), the VHL Newsletter (2005-2011), BIREME’s institutional webpage as a Specialized PAHO Center (started in 2010), and its institutional pages in social media (Facebook and Twitter) are initiatives taken in this regard, just to mention those of external release.

In 2016, BIREME is launching a new communication channel to its users, institutional partners and the general public. BIREME Bulletin is a news page reporting on technical cooperation activities with the countries of the region, new products and services, testimonials, and interviews. BIREME Bulletin is available in Portuguese, Spanish and English at and is also sent by electronic mail to the associated organizations, libraries and documentation centers, teaching and research institutions, government agencies, and international organizations, as well as to researchers, scholars, undergraduate and graduate students, and other stakeholders. The Bulletin will disseminate information about the methodologies and technologies used by BIREME to continue to fulfill its mission of providing visibility, access, quality, use and impact of health information.

It is worth noting that the institutions and organizations directed to research and education, differently from companies that produce consumer goods, do not have the release of their activities as their prior target, since, primarily, they do not dispute consumers´ preference for their products. However, knowing about the actions, products and services of these entities is a matter of interest not only for scholars and specialists, but the whole of society. Organizations and the general public benefit from this knowledge, thus, making the release of information an essential concern.

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