BIREME Bulletin n° 18

LILACS is presented at the XIII Jornada APDIS in Portugal

What presents itself nowadays is an intense worldwide dialogue on accessibility, reproducibility and rigor in health research. This dialogue is equally aligned with the need to identify sustainable ways to expand health research and to generate results applicable to social well-being.

On this issue, Open Science occupies a prominent place in the health information scenario. The opening of the scientific process has a direct impact on citizens and on society as a whole, strengthening new research lines and advances in the field of health.

BIREME, in line with the development of digital culture, works on providing information to the network, aligned with the participation of a broad base of potential contributors. The Regional Congress on Health Science Information (CRICS), to be held São Paulo, Brazil on December 4-6th, in its 10th edition, shall be a space for reflection and debate. This meeting presents itself as a generator of new opportunities for research and innovation in health systems.

In this context, the XIII Conference of the Associação Portuguesa de Documentação e Informação da Saúde (APDIS – Portuguese Association of Documentation and Health Information) presented the following debate topic: “Health Libraries: from Open Science to Research and Clinical Practice”. The event, held on March 14-16 at the Escola Superior de Tecnologias da Saúde de Lisboa in Lisbon, Portugal, brought together about 1,500 participants.

apdisThe APDIS Conferences, held regularly and successfully since 1993, have become increasingly international due to the participation of experts coming from Europe, Latin America, Africa and the USA. The APDIS Conferences promote the meeting, exchange and updating of knowledge and experiences by librarians, researchers, health professionals and other actors from fields related to health science. The following themes where presented in the program: Open data, Data management, e-Learning and Information literacy.

BIREME was represented by collaborator Elisabeth Biruel, who presented the following papers: Education planning in the online modality applied to the field of health: an experience report; and The importance of LILACS in Latin America, the Caribbean and the world.

The APDIS Conferences are an opportunity for librarians and other health science information professionals to actively produce scientific knowledge in a collaborative and sustainable manner.

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