CRICS10 will be a unique opportunity for exchanging information and experiences about the theme “Advancing towards the 2030 Agenda: contributions of evidence and knowledge”. Participants will be able to attend the keynote speeches, round tables and panels with renowned specialists from the Region and abroad, as well as present and share their experiences or research during the Poster Session.
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BIREME Bulletin n° 23
Latin American and Caribbean medical students promote health research
The Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (BIREME/PAHO/WHO), in its role of democratizing information, evidence and knowledge, and having as one of its main objectives the final user of the information, participated in two parallel events for medical students in Peru, through master conferences and courses on access to information.
PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centers in Brazil meet at BIREME
With the purpose to reactivate the PAHO/WHO Collaborating Center (CC) Network in Brazil and to affirm their contribution to the Organization’s technical cooperation, which supports the country in its implementation of the 2030 Agenda and in reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDO), government and the Pan American Health Organization employees met at BIREME at the end of July.
Infomed and its re-designation as a PAHO/WHO Collaborating Center: strengthening technical cooperation with BIREME/PAHO/WHO
Infomed, a project of the Centro Nacional de Información de Ciencias Médicas de Cuba (Cuba’s National Center for Medical Sciences Information) was re-designated as a PAHO/WHO Collaborating Center (CC) in April 2018. The institution, created in 1992, represents a network of people and institutions that, as a CC and in close cooperation with BIREME, work and collaborate to facilitate access to information and knowledge through methodologies and technologies of the Virtual Health Library (VHL), the LILACS index, and besides, perform other activities in coordination with the area of Knowledge Management and Publications of PAHO/WHO Central Office.
BIREME promotes its services and products at Public Health Congresses in Brazil
Promoting the access and use of scientific evidence for formulating and implementing health policies was the axis of BIREME’s activities during two important events that took place in July in Brazil, bringing together over 8 thousand professionals, including managers, researchers, public health professionals and students.
PAHO/WHO Peru and BIREME work together for a better access to specialized health information
The Pan American health Organization promoted a dialogue with national institutions related to the access and dissemination of specialized health information. The focus of the meetings was centered on the strengthening of the VHL Network in the country and on the alliance with the Peruvian Association of Medical Schools, a pilot project that is being developed by BIREME for Primary Health Care.