BIREME Bulletin n° 13

BIREME inaugurates a Historical Panel to celebrate its 50 years

The Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (BIREME) inaugurated a panel to celebrate its 50 years of history, in Sao Paulo, on October 6th. During the ceremony, the Deputy Director of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), Isabella Danel, stated that the Center plays a key role in providing support to countries in the Americas.

“What gathers us today, in this time of joy, is the celebration of half a century of our beloved BIREME. It has been 50 years of scientific and technical innovation in public health sciences; 50 years of work currently demonstrated in actions of technical cooperation with 37 countries, and through a network with more than two thousand organizations in and outside the Americas”, she stated.

Former BIREME directors and representatives from several national organizations followed the launch of the Historical Panel, presented by Diego GonzĂĄlez, the Center Director, who said the Panel was started in 2002 to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information. The panel is the result of extensive research work and records the history of BIREME since its inception, in 1967. Along its history, the panel was periodically updated and currently reflects a five-decade journey.

mural-do-legado-historicoThe panel includes several key elements, as described below:

  • One of the parts lists the names of all BIREME appointed and interim Directors since its establishment in 1967. It also includes the name of all Pan American Health Organization Directors from 1902 until today.
  • Next, a tag cloud lists BIREME leading products and services, such as the Virtual Health Library (VHL), the Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS), the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS), as well as the current Center thematic areas, the 2030 Agenda and Universal Health Coverage. It also brings the series of Regional Congresses on Health Sciences Information (CRICS), started in 1992.
  • The imagens display the evolution experienced by those means that provide access to scientific and technical information, which range from the physical – portrayed by a traditional library – to the virtual world, even including the minutes which carry the signature establishing the Virtual Health Library.
  • The presence of BIREME, both in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as in the whole world, is shown by a map featuring all places in which the Center has participated; in addition to showing the Center regional footprint, one of the central pieces of the Panel shows the Organization headquarters in Washington, and displays the mission of both PAHO/WHO and BIREME.
  • On the other hand, BIREME presence in Brazil is shown in the physical plant occupied by PAHO/WHO in the country. BIREME location in UNIFESP for almost 50 years is also portrayed, as well as its current location.
  • Finally, the panel shows the list of organizations that have been working with BIREME both in the country and in Region and also globally, to demonstrate the historical institutional bond with BIREME, whose activities would not be carried out if it were not for its partnerships and networking.

BIREME Historical Panel receives and welcomes the visitor, unveiling in images 50 years of networking for health development, strengthening and expanding the information flow of health sciences.

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