With the objective of broadening visibility, access and use of technical, scientific and promotional publications of the Brazil’s Conselho Nacional de Secretários da Saúde – National Council of Health Secretaries – (CONASS), a technical cooperation project has been recently established between CONASS and BIREME.
This initiative was introduced by the Executive Secretary of CONASS, Dr. Jurandi Frutuoso, who, along with the Council’s communication team, visited BIREME in September 2018 and presented the CONASS’s needs in terms of information and knowledge management in public health. The proposal presented by BIREME was approved at the end of 2018 and, since then, both teams work in detailing the necessary actions for achieving the project’s macroactivities, as follows:
- Recording the technical and scientific production of CONASS into databases and their integration to the Virtual Health Library (VHL) collection;
- Facilitating and expanding access and use of CONASS publications and of the VHL contents that are of interest for the SUS;
- Revision of the SUS Bibliography Portal and contribution for updating infometric analysis of scientific and technical production about the SUS; and
- Promotion of access and use of evidence for the management of the SUS.
On February 21st, Verônica Abdala, Information Services and Products Manager for BIREME, visited CONASS and was able to align a few actions, such as: the collaboration of Dr. Fernando Cupertino, CONASS International Relations Advisor, for the evaluation of the SUS Bibliography Portal, in order to update it with productions from the Council and Health Secretariats; the insertion of the Working Group on Maternal Health of the CONASS on the theme of policies informed by evidence; and the analysis on the quality and editorial normalization of the Consensus journal.
During the visit, along with Dr. Jurandi Frutuoso and Marcu Vinícius, important milestones were identified for the CONASS, for example the assemblies and meetings of the Tripartite Intermanager Commisson (CIT, Portuguese acronym), during which the results of the project and the launching of new products should be diffused.
According to Verônica Abdala, “it is a moment of renewing a historic collaboration, one that is essential for information and knowledge to permeate the decisions of Brazilian health managers, thus contributing to the development of the culture of evidence use”. Furthermore, the project is completely aligned to the CONASS mission: to articulate, represent and support the State Secretariats of Health, within the framework of the SUS, and to promote the dissemination of information, the production and diffusion of knowledge, innovations and experience exchange.