BIREME Bulletin n° 80

New products and actions mark the completion of another cycle of the agreement with SMS-SP

The line of action agreed between BIREME and the Municipal Health Secretariat of São Paulo will enter a new phase having reached the goals established for the period. As established in the terms of cooperation, the contents of the collections VHL SMS-São Paulo and of the Experience Reports were updated, in addition to the development of a new Showcase of Knowledge for the sector, and the reestablishment of the Collaboration network of the VHL SMS-SP, with the performance of training for its strengthening.

The first product developed was a new showcase of knowledge on “Health Management” that presents important information (in Portuguese) to managers, workers, counselors, researchers, and students about the Health Care Network of the city of São Paulo. The objective of the platform is to make available documents, websites of interest, and other sources of information that promote the improvement of health services provided to the population based on the improvement of the decision-making process. The new Vitrine of Knowledge “Health Management” is integrated to the platform as another source of information of the VHL SMS-SP.


New experience reports are also published on YouTube, including the following topics:

  • Maria’s Sttories – Writings of women who use psychoactive substances on the outskirts of São Paulo
  • Dashboard – Monitoring the performance of health professionals in the EAD courses of the South Regional Health Coordination
  • Successful Experiences of Primary Care in Health Surveillance
  • Barmacy, toast to a good idea: encouragement, empowerment and autonomy through socialization and alcohol-free coexistence, through play
  • Products of the mentoring process of the Postgraduate Lato Sensu course, Nursing Specialization in Primary Health Care with Emphasis on Clinical Practice

The experience reports are available in Experience Reports 2022-2023 – YouTube.

Besides the development of new products, one of the transversal strategies for strengthening the collaborative network requires the permanent updating and testing of the VHL SMS-SP online portal. With this, the teams conduct regular updates and usability tests to validate improvements and assess accessibility and user satisfaction with the organization and layout of the VHL.

And finally, in the line of action of the trainings via the Municipal Health School, in 2023, the following trainings were conducted:

  • “Access to information in the SMS-SP VHL to support the decision process informed by evidence in health”.
  • “VHL Information Sources for SMS-SP Network: LILACS Methodology and Operation of LIS, DirEve, Legislation and Multimedia Sources”.

In all, the three training sessions held in 2023 brought together more than 90 participants from various professional categories, from trainees to coordinators, including nurses, physicians, social workers, and veterinarians.

For Estela Alves Madeira, librarian of the Technical Management of Teaching and Research of HSPM, who participated in the course “Access to Information in the VHL SMS São Paulo”, taught by librarian Rosemeire Rocha Pinto, on April 27, 2023, “The course came to meet the doubts that arise in everyone who uses the research tools of BIREME and DeCS/MeSH. In a clear way, using concrete examples, it was possible to follow the step by step that every researcher should master to achieve good objectives in their academic and/or professional research.”

The courses are available in the information source Multimedia | VHL SMS.


Links of interest:

New agreement between BIREME/PAHO/WHO and SMS-São Paulo formalizes phase III

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