BIREME Bulletin n. 80

VI International Congress on PHC addresses the digital transformation for reducing maternal mortality

“Contributions of Digital Health to Women’s Health in the context of Primary Health Care” was the main theme of the 6th International Congress on Primary Health Care (CIAPS), held from May 4th to 6th, 2023, at the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI). The Congress brought together students, researchers, workers, and public policy managers, with a broad and diverse program, including conferences and round tables; presentation of academic papers, training workshops, book launches, and awards.

The opening keynote speech was delivered by Ariel Karolinski, Coordinator of the Family, Gender, and Life Course Unit at the Latin American Center for Perinatology, Women’s Health, and Reproductive Health (CLAP/SMR/PAHO), on May 4th, on the topic of digital health for reducing maternal mortality. As an indicator of the social development within communities and countries, the session highlighted global and regional goals set for the reduction of maternal deaths by the 2030 Agenda, and strategic objectives that emphasize strengthening primary care and health systems, as well as universal coverage for comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care.

Present at the inaugural session were the Rector of UFPI, Gildásio Guedes; the Vice-Rector, Viriato Campelo; the general coordinator of the event and executive coordinator of UNA-SUS-UFPI, Lis Marinho; and the Secretary of Health of the State of Piauí, Antônio Luiz Soares Santos.

On May 5th, João Paulo Souza, director of BIREME/PAHO/WHO, participated remotely, giving a lecture on the “Obstetric transition theory” and its relations with ecosocial determinants of health and maternal mortality. In his speech, Souza pointed out that “it is important to remember that there is no sustainable reduction in maternal mortality without reducing inequalities and promoting social, gender and race/color justice. This is a PAHO priority and it is reflected in the BIREME 2023-25 strategy”. For João Paulo Souza, opportunities for knowledge exchange such as CIAPS contribute to advancing the solution of structural problems that culminate in maternal deaths. “In this context, information and technological innovations applied to health protection are an essential element for the sociocultural transformation necessary to confront the determinants of maternal mortality.”

Closing the program, on the third and last day of the event, the conference of Verônica Abdala, Information Sources Manager of BIREME, covered the “Contribution of Evidences for the Reduction of Maternal Mortality”. Following this, on May 7th and 8th, organizers and participants of the meeting, including representatives of BIREME, went on a technical visit to Parnaíba-PI, where the Center for Studies, Research and Extension in Continuing Education for the SUS/UFPI, (Nuepes), maintains a pilot project for reducing maternal mortality under the coordination of Prof. Liz Cardoso Marinho (UFPI).

During the mission in Teresina, technical meetings were also organized with management teams and coordination of public health policies in the state, which dealt with the applications of new artificial intelligence technologies in the area of maternal health. In Verônica Abdala’s evaluation, “there is an opportunity for BIREME to cooperate with Brazil, supporting localized actions for the reduction of maternal deaths in Piauí, and contributing to the objective of establishing the CIAPS as a point of implementation of public policies supported by evidence and the translation of information for decision-making and action in health.”

BIREME also promoted one of the Pre-Congress Workshops, with three training sessions on “Systematic review applying artificial intelligence”, which was coordinated by Elisabeth Peres Biruel, librarian of the Information Services area of BIREME. The 6th CIAPS was organized by the Center for Continuing Education in Health (NUEPES), the Professional Master’s Degree Program in Women’s Health (PPGSM), the State Health Secretariat (SESAPI) and the National Council of Municipal Health Secretaries (CONASEMS).

The recording of workshops and conferences are available on the YouTube channel “Nuepes No Maternal Mortality“.

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