BIREME Bulletin nº 89

Artificial Intelligence: BIREME drives improvement in development

BIREME has taken a significant step towards technological innovation with the adoption of ChatGPT Plus as a tool to support process optimization and complement the use of Copilot. The decision, taken by the Technology and Development area (DEV) under the coordination of Marcos Mori, aims to implement improvements in internal processes and take advantage of artificial intelligence (AI) for various purposes.

“By adopting this strategy, we hope that the teams will be able to optimize technical support, improve the quality of the codes developed and, as a consequence, also develop their skills in using this new technology”, said Marcos Mori. Moreover, the implementation of ChatGPT Plus will also be evaluated regarding increased productivity in system development, optimization of data processing and insight into new products, he added.

Some of the specific benefits offered by the tool are detailed below.

  • Support in code creation: ChatGPT Plus helps to write code more efficiently and with fewer errors;
  • Programming learning: Helps you learn new programming languages, expanding your teams’ technical skills;
  • Content translation: Offers support in translating texts, facilitating communication in different languages;
  • Information organization: Helps organize and structure important data for projects;
  • Clarification of doubts: Available to answer questions and clarify doubts about various tools and technologies;
  • Code conversion: Makes it easier to adapt code to different platforms and languages. For example, from Scala to Python;
  • Database query optimization: Assists in configuring systems so that searches and data queries are faster and more accurate;
  • Creating Tables and Reports: Facilitates the creation of complex documents such as tables and detailed reports;
  • Configuration Review: Helps review and update system configurations, ensuring that everything works correctly;
  • Problem Identification: Helps detect and resolve problems in scripts and software;
  • Creation of specialized GPTs: ChatGPT Plus offers support in creating specialized versions of ChatGPT that can be used internally to consult specific documents;
  • Initial System Configuration: Facilitates the initial configuration of new systems and services, ensuring proper setup;
  • Development of New Ideas: The tool is used to develop new ideas and concepts, exploring new technological possibilities;
  • Continuous Learning: ChatGPT Plus offers resources for continuous learning about new technologies, keeping the teams up to date.

With the adoption of ChatGPT Plus, BIREME hopes to transform and improve its technological processes, providing advanced tools for developers and optimizing various areas of development and technical support.

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