BIREME celebrates 50 years

The Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (BIREME/PAHO/WHO) celebrated in 2017 50 years of work to democratize information, knowledge, and scientific evidence. For this important celebration, the Center held an event in its facilities on October 6th with the presence of PAHO/WHO Deputy Director, Isabella Danel, as well as former directors, staff professionals, and representatives from several agencies at the federal, state, and municipal level, in the fields of health, environment, education, human rights, and others.

BIREME inaugurates a Historical Panel to celebrate its 50 years

BIREME inaugurates a Historical Panel to celebrate its 50 years of history. The panel receives and welcomes the visitor, unveiling in images 50 years of networking for health development, strengthening and expanding the information flow of health sciences.

PAHO/WHO Deputy Director visits BIREME

The Deputy Director of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), Isabella Danel, visited the new facilities of the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (BIREME/PAHO/WHO) in the scope of the activities conducted to celebrate BIREME’s 50 years in 2017. Dr. Danel was presented the leading actions performed by BIREME in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region, as well as the potentialities, products and services of the Center.

PAHO/WHO and its joint action with the Secretary of Health of the Municipality of SĂŁo Paulo

During the visit of the Deputy Director of the Pan-American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), Isabella Danel, on behalf of the 50th Anniversary of BIREME/PAHO/WHO, the Secretary of Health of the Municipality of SĂŁo Paulo and PAHO Brazil organized a series of activities, including a visit to a city hospital and the launch of an app for the Programa Mais MĂ©dicos.

PAHO/WHO Deputy Director presents data on Health in the Americas in SĂŁo Paulo

Content of the most important publication of the Pan-American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), Health in the Americas+ 2017 was presented to the faculty of Faculdade de SaĂșde PĂșblica da USP by the Deputy Director of the Organization, Isabella Danel, as part of the celebration of the 100th Anniversary of FSP-USP and the 50th Anniversary of BIREME.

Initiatives to celebrate BIREME’s 50th Anniversary

In order to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of its foundation, BIREME has undertaken actions and launched several products aimed at recovering the historical trajectory of the Center and its institutional partners, as well as reporting on the development and evolution of its main information products and services in Health Sciences. Get to know some of them.