ACURIL 2022 is holding its 2022 conference under the theme Change Management and Resilience: Proactive Action in Caribbean Libraries, Museums and Archives. A pre-conference event was held on May 26 with the Virtual Health Library Content roundtable featuring presentations by Amanda Wilson, Chief, Office of Engagement and Training at NLM, Sebastián García Saisó, Director of the EIH Department and Acting Director of BIREME, and Marcia Y. Barretto, ITI/GA Coordinator at BIREME. While Amanda Wilson spoke about NLM’s strategy for the period 2022-2036, when the institution will celebrate the bicentennial of its founding, Sebastián García and Marcia Barretto presented the topic Virtual Health Library: resilience and innovation towards the future.
The resilience and innovation of the VHL towards the future was the theme of the ACURIL 2022 pre-conference