The celebration of the institutional results for 2023 was held on December 13 with the presence of the entire BIREME/PAHO/WHO team. The aim was to recognize individual and collective commitment and development and the promotion of effective exchanges with BIREME users and national and international counterparts in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Program included social and recreational activities to encourage integration and participation, check it out.
BIREME Bulletin n° 84
VHL Network renews commitment to Information for Action in Health
BIREME organized a series of events in São Paulo, Brazil, gathering members of the VHL Network from the countries in the region. The meeting generated recommendations to update the VHL model and advanced with the strategic planning of VHL TCIM Americas and the development plan of VHL Caribbean. New technologies in information products and services for the health sector were also assessed in cooperation with Infomed Cuba.
EVIPNet Brazil holds meeting looking for sustainable strengthening
The II National Meeting of EVIPNet Brazil was held in Brasilia on November 21 and 22, with more than 200 participants, including BIREME. The event promoted discussions on the institutionalization of Evidence-Informed Policy (PIE) and its application in favor of sustainable and equitable development of the Unified Health System.
Research4Life and VHL motivate workshop in Guyana
Guyana continues to prioritize the development of local capacities in the areas of health and information, in order to strengthen its healthcare system and improve the quality of life of the population. In October, PAHO Guyana with EIH and BIREME facilitated training on accessing and using the VHL and Research4Life platforms to support the publication and visibility of local scientific production.
BIREME brings mini-course on DeCS to the 2023 Congress Health in Brazilian Sign Language
Held in Juazeiro, Bahia/Brazil, an innovative technical-scientific event in the country welcomed for the first time the participation of BIREME with the mini-course “Understanding, Accessing, and Using DeCS – Health Sciences Descriptors.” Gathering 700 participants from all over the country, the congress addressed the urgent need to integrate the Brazilian Sign Language into society. See the article for details.
Window of Knowledge “Health Promotion” highlights institutional documents from the Americas
The resource provides direct access to over a hundred technical documents on Health Promotion published since 2010 in the countries of the Region. The platform was developed and released by BIREME in partnership with the Department of Social and Environmental Determinants for for Health Equity.