BIREME Bulletin n° 10

BIREME launches video to celebrate its 50 years

Among the actions developed to celebrate the 50th anniversary of BIREME, it is worth highlighting the 3-minute long video that explors its historical landmarks, main products and services, its cooperative and network activities. Special emphasis is placed on the main products and services offered by BIREME – the Virtual Health Library (VHL), the Latin-American and Caribbean System on Health Sciences Information – LILACS, and the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS), in addition to other platforms and services offered by BIREME.

The video conclusion summarizes in one simple sentence the whole work and complexity of BIREME and its associated Networks throughout these 50 years “Information, Evidence and Knowledge contributing for the development of Health. BIREME/PAHO/WHO”.

The video is an important source of information about BIREME and was designed to be shared online as well as in events, meetings, presentations, training courses, and in other occasions where it may be fit to share a brief, but thorough view about BIREME and its trajectory towards democratization of information in health.

Watch and share the video. In addition, do not miss the testimonials from PAHO/WHO employees, partners, and users, the timeline, photo gallery and more information about BIREME on the celebratory portal “50 Years of BIREME“.

This is the history of the first 50 years of BIREME. As for the future, it is open to be built in partnership with all those who are willing to join this noble cause of contributing for the wellbeing and health of Latin America and the Caribbean.

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