The 2nd Term of Adjustment to the Term of Cooperation 93 (TA2/TC93) between the Ministry of Health of Brazil and the Pan American Health Organization aims at developing actions linked to the “Development and improvement of the Latin American Caribbean Center and Health Sciences Information (BIREME), in the context of information and knowledge management in the 2030 Agenda and Universal Health.
The formalization of TA2/TC93, which follows the validity of TC93, i.e., from 2020 to 2022, occurred on November 20, 2020, with the publication of the signature of the TC in the Official Diary of the Union (DOU) by the PAHO/WHO Representative in Brazil, Socorro Gross Galiano, and the Deputy Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Health, Jorge Luiz Kormann.
This result reinforces the commitment of the Government of Brazil, through the Ministry of Health, with the development, institutional strengthening and technical cooperation program of BIREME/PAHO/WHO since its inception, almost 54 years ago. The discussions, since 2019 extended through 2020, amid the global pandemic of COVID-19, with several meetings and exchanges taking place between the Ministry of Health and the Center, represented by its Director, Diego Gonzalez, and its managers. Also noteworthy is the support of the members and specialists of the Governance Committees, Advisory and Scientific Committee of BIREME, who represented Brazil and supported this process.

The objectives for the development of the project’s goals, coordinated with the Secretariat of Primary Health Care (SAPS) of the Ministry of Health, are based on the 2030 Agenda and the objectives of Universal Access to Health and Universal Health Coverage, with a Primary Health Care Model and Family Health.
The main expected results of the project include:
- Development of information products and services to strengthen the Primary Health Care (PHC) model, the Family Health Strategy and the prevention and management of infectious and chronic diseases;
- Exchange of experiences in Health Information and Knowledge Management, through national and international cooperation to increase the production, visibility, access and use of scientific knowledge in Latin America and the Caribbean;
- Application of information and knowledge management at different levels of the health system, to support the development of studies, research, creation of lines of research, production and dissemination of knowledge in digital health and Telehealth in the Unified Health System (SUS); and
- Health systems and services strengthened to support health information and knowledge management processes, and to democratize access and use of scientific evidence.
Each expected result is composed of indicators, targets and sources of verification, which guide the development of products and services throughout the project and for measurement at the end of its term.
TA2/TC93, as well as the TA6/TC95 currently in force, strengthen the institutional relationship between BIREME and the Ministry of Health, also in coordination with PAHO Brazil, considering the local, regional and international impact of the products and services developed under the scope of this technical cooperation in favor of access to information and scientific evidence in health. It is worth remembering that TA1/TC93 was coordinated with the Executive Secretariat (SE) of the Ministry of Health.
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