What are the DeCS/MeSH terms in your text? BIREME finds them for you!

As part of the celebration of DeCS’s 35 years, BIREME launches an innovative service for researchers, editors, and librarians in the health sciences field, the DeCS/MeSH finder. Available since February 9th, this service, which works online, automatically locates any descriptor, synonym, or qualifier of the DeCS/MeSH-controlled vocabulary of a given text in Portuguese, Spanish, English or French, in a fraction of seconds.

Evid@Easy: an innovative tool for selecting scientific evidence in the VHL

In order to make it easier, faster, and more objective to search for scientific evidence for decision-making in health, BIREME and the Knowledge and Evidence Translation Program, both from PAHO/WHO’s EIH Department, developed the innovative tool Evid@Easy. Using pre-designed search strategies, Evid@Easy offers ways to find scientific evidence available in the VHL according to each stage of the decision-making process.

Institutional relationship with HSP/SPDM benefits human resources from BIREME and PAHO Brazil

BIREME/PAHO/WHO has maintained a close institutional relationship with Hospital São Paulo/ Associação Paulista para Desenvolvimento da Medicina (São Paulo Association for the Development of Medicine) (HSP/SPDM) for over 20 years. The existing service contract between the parties aims to maintain national personnel assigned to both BIREME/PAHO/WHO and PAHO/Brazil in Brasilia, thus constituting an important workforce in the field of health information science for Brazil and for the Latin America and Caribbean Region.

Expansion of the Reference Network to Spanish-speaking Latin American countries

Expansion, strengthening, and training actions in Brazil and Latin America are on the agenda of the Reference Network – RefNet in 2021. The Network aims to promote cooperation between VHL librarians, universities, research centers, hospitals, and health organizations, through the development of search strategies that can be reused, shared, and adapted to the health context, and that have the VHL Search Strategy Repository as an information source.

Effective Distance Education response against Leishmaniasis in the Americas: leaving no one behind

Based on the Disease Elimination Initiative: A Policy for an Integrated and Sustainable Approach to Communicable Diseases in the Americas approved by PAHO/WHO at its 57th Directing Council, BIREME and the PAHO Department of Communicable Diseases and Environmental Determinants of Health (CDE/PAHO/WHO) developed educational projects for the elaboration of distance education courses with a focus on prevention, surveillance, and control of neglected diseases.

BIREME contributes with information and knowledge in the fight against cancer

To mark World Cancer Day 2021, the Cancer Prevention and Control VHL – the result of a technical cooperation project between PAHO Brazil through BIREME and INCA – provides researchers, health professionals, and society with a series of innovative products and services that seek to disseminate relevant information and strengthen the creation of networks for information management in the area of cancer prevention and control.