A Scholarly Communication course in Portuguese is inaugurated

As a result of an initiative of PAHO/WHO through its Latin American and Caribbean Center for Information on Health Sciences (BIREME) and PAHO’s Knowledge Management Unit (KM), both members of the EIH Department, a Basic Course on Scholarly Communication in Health Sciences was inaugurated. This Portuguese version was made possible by the partnership with CGDI/SAA of the Ministry of Health of Brazil, within the framework of a Cooperation Agreement through the Pan American Health Organization Office in Brazil.

BIREME and Hospital SĂŁo Paulo/SPDM review and expand their joint technical cooperation

BIREME/PAHO/WHO and the Hospital São Paulo/Associação Paulista para o Desenvolvimento da Medicina (HSP/SPDM) have maintained an institutional relationship for more than 20 years, through a service contract that aims to keep national employees at BIREME and, more recently, at PAHO Brazil. From a meeting between the leaders of both institutions, proposals emerged to revisit aspects of joint cooperation and to support the strengthening of institutional development through a technical cooperation agreement.

Visibility of Haiti’s health information through the VHL

In 2018, the PAHO/WHO Office in Haiti, the Centre d’Information et de Formation en Administration de la SantĂ© (CIFAS) of the MinistĂšre de la SantĂ© Publique et de la Population (MSPP) in Haiti and BIREME developed a technical cooperation activity aimed at strengthening information and knowledge management to improve access, use, and production of scientific and technical health information in the country.

Artificial intelligence will enable information search to be perfected

The Text Mining unit of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, within the framework of the Language Technology Boost Plan (TL Plan) collaborates with the Biblioteca Nacional de Ciencias de la Salud (BNCS-ISCIII) and BIREME to promote the development of semantic indexing systems based on the latest advances in artificial intelligence and natural language processing through an international competition called MESINESP2.

Enriching the VHL publications with the Dimensions Badge service

A new service is available to users of the Virtual Health Library. Since the beginning of April, it is now possible to view citation data from an indexed document in the Virtual Health Library (VHL) information sources through the Dimensions Badges service. It is possible to easily view how many citations a given publication has received, as well as to explore the citation data using the free Dimensions platform itself.

World Health Day 2021 – “Building a fairer, healthier world”

World Health Day is celebrated every year on April 7, to commemorate the founding of the World Health Organization in 1948 and to raise awareness of health-related issues. In 2021 the theme of this celebration is “Building a fairer, healthier world”. BIREME, as a specialized center in health scientific information of the Pan American Health Organization, within the scope of its mission to democratize information, knowledge and evidence for decision-making, adheres to this campaign, making the concept of equity be present in all its products and services.