Bolivia advances in the development of its National VHL

On August 30, 2022, in a hybrid-format event in person at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, in La Paz, Bolivia and online, the Bolivian National VHL was launched. The effort to develop a National VHL as an umbrella that integrates the thematic initiatives of the VHL developed in the country is part of a State policy and a priority of national interest: the use and exploration of new information and communication technologies as a means of acquisition and generation of knowledge that contributes to the Bolivian strategy of reducing poverty and integrating Bolivia into the new information society.

Indigenous Health VHL: BIREME team visits indigenous villages in Mato Grosso

With the main purpose of supporting the structuring of the Indegenous Health VHL and the development of its information products and services, a team from BIREME/PAHO/WHO visited two indigenous villages and the central coordination of the Special District of Indigenous Health (DSEI) of CuiabĂĄ, in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, to get to know the local reality, the needs for access to and use of information, and some of the main challenges that can support their health practices and decisions.

DeCS/MeSH 2022 Edition is now available

The 2022 edition of the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS/MeSH) is fully compatible with the latest version of the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) vocabulary, produced by the US NLM. The highlight of the 2022 edition is the incorporation of a new category to the thesaurus, that of Traditional, Complementary, and Integrative Medicines, which had the collaboration of the MTCI Americas Network, coordinator of the MTCI VHL.

Results of the technical cooperation project between BIREME and PAHO Nicaragua

The main objective of the technical cooperation project developed between BIREME/PAHO/WHO and PAHO/WHO Nicaragua was to activate the Nicaragua VHL and strengthen the Network of Cooperating Centers with the aim of increasing the visibility of scientific and technical production in health in this country according to the VHL Model. The project (May 2021 – June 2022) was developed in two Strategic Avenues: Information Management and Systematization, Information Technology and Human Resources.

Strengthening Health Information Networks in LA&C: results for the first half of 2022

The Health Information Networks are essential to strengthen and extend the work carried out by BIREME through the VHL and its information sources. These networks bring together information professionals, editorial teams, and health professionals from cooperating institutions in the participating countries, which depend on coordination, planning, mobilization, and spaces for exchanging experiences. For this purpose, meetings are held regularly with the Network, following an annual calendar. The results of these trainings and meetings in the first half of 2022 will be presented here.

BIREME develops a Window of Knowledge to support World Breastfeeding Week 2022

World Breastfeeding Week 2022 (WBW 2022) was celebrated from August 1 to 7 with the theme “Step up for Breastfeeding – Educate and Support”. In 2018, a World Health Assembly resolution endorsed WBW as an important strategy to promote breastfeeding. BIREME has developed a Window of Knowledge to facilitate access to guidelines and scientific evidence for meeting global nutrition goals. Considering the pandemic scenario, the Window of Knowledge provides the necessary documentation to inform decisions about breastfeeding and COVID-19.