Held on May 24, the IX Session of the Scientific Committee of BIREME focused on the strategy that aims to implement the digital transformation of the Center whose components, considering the recommendations of the members of the Committee, will be in the Center’s BWP 24-25.
BIREME Bulletin n° 80
The VHL was presented during the MLA/SLA 2023
The Virtual Health Library, that completed 25 years in 2023, was presented in the 2023 Annual Conference of the Medical Library Association (MLA) held in collaboration with the Special Libraries Association (SLA) on topics on medical librarianship, like leadership and management. The event took place in Detroit, Michigan, on May 16-19 with hybrid participation. Sharing global health and equity projects, experiences, challenges, and successes from around the world was its focus.
International Nurses Day 2023: Our Nurses. Our future
International Nursing Day 2023 calls on countries to discuss the capacity, availability and distribution of these professionals to expand access and coverage of Primary Health Care, with special attention to the most vulnerable populations.
VI International Congress on PHC addresses the digital transformation for reducing maternal mortality
With a core theme aligned to BIREME’s new strategy, the International Congress on Primary Health Care 2023 was held in person at the Federal University of Piauí, with online broadcasting. The program included lectures by João Paulo Souza, Director, and Verônica Abadla, Information Source Manager at BIREME. Pre-congress workshops and technical visits were also on the team’s agenda.
New products and actions mark the completion of another cycle of the agreement with SMS-SP
In the framework of the agreement established between the Municipal Health Secretariat of São Paulo (SMS – São Paulo) and BIREME/PAHO/WHO since 2011, check the progress and results obtained with the completion of the second year of phase III.
World Hypertension Day 2023 “Measure your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer!”
Considering that cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension, are the main cause of death in the Americas, PAHO created the HEARTS in the Americas Initiative, led by the Ministries of Health with the participation of local actors. The objective is to promote the adoption of global best practices in the prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases and to improve the performance of services through better control of hypertension and promotion of secondary prevention with an emphasis on primary health care.