We highlight the results in the first year of execution in the context of the technical cooperation project between BIREME/PAHO/WHO and the Secretary of Health of the Municipality of São Paulo (SMS-São Paulo) for the updating and maintenance of the Secretary of Health of the Municipality of São Paulo Virtual Health Library (SMS São Paulo VHL) – Phase III, through the strengthening of capacities in information and knowledge management.
During the first year, activities were carried out that focused on the renewal and updating of VHL SMS São Paulo products and services, in addition to the development of new sources of information.
Renovation of the SMS São Paulo VHL portal
The SMS São Paulo VHL’s new information architecture aims to better organize the main contents that were prioritized by users, based on the results of research and analysis of the VHL’s access statistics. The section of available content facilitates the navigation and localization of information by the user.
Strengthening of the SMS-São Paulo VHL Collaboration Network
On December 9th, the SMS São Paulo VHL Meeting with the Municipal Health Care Network was held, with the objective of presenting the SMS-São Paulo VHL and sharing with the Network the components of the Cooperation Agreement to strengthen the VHL. The SMS São Paulo VHL Consultative Committee meeting was held, in addition to other technical meetings to support the VHL Executive Secretariat.

On April 19 and 26, 2022, the Training on VHL Information Sources for the SMS-São Paulo Network was held, with the objective of developing the capacities of the members of the SMS-São Paulo Network for analysis, registration, and indexing of scientific and technical production from member institutions of the Secretary of Health of the Municipality of São Paulo for contributing with information sources from the VHL and LILACS and regular updating.
The training took place online, with the target audience of health and information science professionals from the Secretariat, and was attended by 22 professionals, and administered by the supervisor of the Information Sources area of BIREME, Sueli Suga, and the librarian Laís Silva.
The first day of training focused on the bibliographic output of the various institutes that are part of SMS-São Paulo, which consists of books, technical notes, bulletins, reports, and information for patients. In addition to document analysis, selection criteria and workflow were also addressed. In the second day, the theme was non-bibliographic sources of information, such as the Events Directory, Multimedia Resources, and Internet Resources.

According to Juliana Sousa, supervisor of the Monitoring of VHL Instances and Projects area and focal point at BIREME/PAHO/WHO for the SMS-São Paulo VHL project, “the training activities aim to strengthen the network and decentralized work of the SMS to improve information products and services. Carrying out actions that strengthen the governance bodies and the network are fundamental for the maintenance and continuous development of the VHL”.
As coordinator of the SMS São Paulo VHL Executive Committee, Marine Arakaki commented, “the training for operating the information sources in the FI-Admin in order to record the institutional productions of the SMS-São Paulo was fundamental, considering the participation of professionals from different and important areas of the Secretariat.”
Experience Reports
The information source Experience Reports was developed in Phase II of the agreement and is currently being updated. In the last 12 months, four new Experience Reports were developed based on the collection of testimonies and the recording of relevant situations experienced by teams and managers in the formulation and implementation of SMS policies, programs, and projects, whose themes are described below.
(1) Construction of the Municipal Health Plan for the city of São Paulo for the four-year period 2022-2025; (2) Guidelines from the Multiprofessional Health Residency Commission of the Secretary of Health of the Municipality of São Paulo on the Logic of Effective Communication in Health Residency Programs; (3) Revaluation of Continuing Education in Health: Construction of the Municipal Plan for Continuing Education (PLAMEP) for the year 2022; and (4) Construction of the Skills Notebooks of the Medical Residency Programs of the Secretary of Health of the Municipality of São Paulo. The Reports are available at: https://sms.sp.bvs.br/relatosexperiencia/.
Windows of Knowledge
The first Window of Knowledge on priority health topics for the Municipality of São Paulo, developed within the scope of the agreement, had as its theme COVID-19 in the city of São Paulo, designed to support health professionals and managers, public policy makers, researchers, students, and society. The Window is available at: https://sms.sp.bvs.br/vitrinas/post_vitrines/covid-19-na-cidade-de-sao-paulo/.
The SMS São Paulo VHL – Phase III project is still under development and in regular operation with the contribution of the SMS São Paulo and BIREME teams.
Related posts
SMS-São Paulo and BIREME promote course on access and use of information. BIREME Bulletin n° 66. Available at: https://boletin.bireme.org/en/2022/03/25/sms-sp-and-bireme-promote-course-on-access-and-use-of-information/
Meeting of the VHL SMS-São Paulo with the Municipal Health Network. BIREME Bulletin n° 63. Available at: https://boletin.bireme.org/en/2022/01/09/meeting-of-the-vhl-sms-sao-paulo-with-the-municipal-health-care-network/
New agreement between BIREME/PAHO/WHO and SMS-São Paulo formalizes phase III. BIREME Bulletin n° 58. Available at: https://boletin.bireme.org/en/2021/07/31/new-agreement-between-bireme-paho-who-and-sms-sao-paulo-formalizes-phase-iii/