BIREME Bulletin n° 64

BIREME and MoH of Brazil extend Cooperation Term

The 3rd Adjustment Term to the Cooperation Term 93 (TA3/TC93, the Portuguese acronym) between the Ministry of Health of Brazil and the Pan American Health Organization had its validity extended for another five years, for the implementation of actions linked to the “Development of and improvement of the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (BIREME), in the context of information and knowledge management in the 2030 Agenda and Universal Health”.

The formalization of TA3/TC93, therefore, in force from February/2022 to February/2027, was published in the Official Gazette of the Union, having been signed by the PAHO/WHO Representative in Brazil, Socorro Gross Galiano, and by the Deputy Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Health, Alessandro Glauco dos Anjos de Vasconcelos.

This result reinforces the commitment of the Government of Brazil, through the Ministry of Health, to the development, institutional strengthening, and technical cooperation program of BIREME/PAHO/WHO, which will complete 55 years of operation in early March 2022. The understandings intensified, even during the global pandemic of COVID-19, with several meetings and exchanges taking place between the Ministry of Health and the Center, represented by its Interim Director, Sebastián Garcia Saisó, supported by the Managers and in close coordination with the Representative of PAHO/WHO in Brazil, Socorro Gross Galiano. Also noteworthy is the support of the members and experts of the Governance Committees, Advisory Committee and Scientific Committee of BIREME who represented Brazil and who supported this process.

The goals for the development of the TC93 goals are still based on the 2030 Agenda and on the goals of Universal Access and Universal Health Coverage and will be revisited in 2022 to align with the Ministry of Health Secretariats that will continue to coordinate developments. It is noteworthy that TA1/TC93 was coordinated by the General Coordination of Documentation and Information of the Undersecretariat for Administrative Affairs of the Executive Secretariat (Coordenação Geral de Documentação e Informação da Subsecretaria de Assuntos Administrativos da Secretaria Executiva, CGDI/SAA/SE/MS) and TA2/TC93 was coordinated with the Secretariat of Primary Health Care (PHC).

Each expected result agreed upon for the cooperation term will consist of indicators, goals, and verification sources, which guide the development of products and services throughout the respective project and for evaluation at the end of its term.

Both TC93 and TC95, currently in force, strengthen the institutional relationship between BIREME and the Ministry of Health in coordination with PAHO Brazil, and BIREME’s technical cooperation program, considering the local, regional, and international impact of products and services developed within the scope of this technical cooperation, in favor of access to information and scientific evidence in health.


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