Revista Finlay, published by the Centro de Información de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Cienfuegos, Cuba, completed 30 years in 2017, and in order to celebrate this event and the 15th Anniversary of the journal Medisur, a Scientific Conference was organized at the university campus. The Director of BIREME, Dr. Diego González, attended the event, in addition to visiting the PAHO/WHO Office in Cuba and the Centro Nacional de Información en Ciencias Médicas (INFOMED), a PAHO/WHO Collaborating Center for Knowledge Management and the Virtual Health Library, as well as other national institutions, identifying possible projects and joint initiatives, and cooperating to promote the visibility of scientific and technical information produced in the country.
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BIREME supports the Evidence-Informed Policy Network in Brazil
The Evidence-Informed Policy Network (EVIPNet) in Brazil, since its inception in 2007, has promoted the use of scientific evidence in the formulation and implementation of health policies, the production of evidence syntheses and policy dialogues, and the national articulation of the Network member institutions and partner institutions. BIREME, as a member of the Advisory Board of EVIPNet Brasil since 2007, actively participates at the Network, collaborating with the development of syntheses of evidence for informed health policies
WHO supports BIREME’s leadership in the Global Index Medicus

On November 24-25, 2016, in Geneva, in the global meeting of WHO Regional Office Libraries, including PAHO/WHO, BIREME established a new phase of collaboration focused on the Global Index Medicus (GIM): the leadership of the project to strengthen GIM and renew its website, promoting dissemination of scientific and technical output from the low- and mid-income countries. The global actions with WHO will be focused in 2017.
New search interface of the Evidence-Based Health Portal
The Evidence-Based Health Portal (PSBE) is an initiative of the Secretaria de Gestão do Trabalho e da Educação na Saúde of the Brazilian Ministry of Health aimed at incorporating practice based on evidence in the work process of health professionals and scholars. With the objective to strengthening the Portal, BIREME developed an efficient metasearch engine to search and retrieve information registered in databases.
CARPHA EvIDeNCe Portal, a joint project in the Caribbean Region
The Caribbean Public Health Agency – CARPHA, jointly with BIREME/PAHO/WHO, and the Faculty of Medical Sciences at the University of the West Indies developed the CARPHA EvIDeNCe Portal in order to make published literature and grey literature readily available and accessible to support decision-making in the Caribbean Region.
BIREME and the PAHO/WHO Policy on Health Research

Research has been considered one of the six basic activities of PAHO/WHO, and its use has been crucial to fulfill the Organization roles, as an essential component to aim at equity and health. BIREME’s actions at PAHO/WHO Health Research Policy are aligned with the Center’s primary mission to contribute with the Region to democratize the access, publication and use of information, knowledge and scientific evidence. Moreover, they are one of the pillars to achieve the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals.
The year 2016 for BIREME
In 2016, BIREME/PAHO/WHO celebrated its 49th anniversary as reference institution in the processes of promoting, strengthening and expanding the flow of scientific and technical information in health in Latin America and the Caribbean, in a close cooperation with over two thousand institutions in the Region. Under the direction of Dr Diego González Machín, since July 2016, the Center has extensively worked with PAHO/WHO headquarters and its technical areas, with PAHO Country Offices and with WHO headquarters and its Regional Offices to fulfill and advance its mission.
Brazil promotes equitable access to health information in the VHL

VHL Brazil, a product from the cooperation among the Ministry of Health, BIREME/PAHO/WHO and Brazilian teaching and research institutions, is the main resource to democratize open access to information in health, assuring representativeness of Brazilian scientific and technical knowledge. However, the future requires advances with new information products and services, with the challenge of translating them into unformal language to facilitate scientific research and search for evidence, policy-making, and social control.
BIREME/PAHO/WHO: networking with the countries of the Region

The presence of BIREME in Latin America and the Caribbean has traditionally been marked by the instances of the Virtual Health Library (VHL), which is present in over 30 countries. Dr Diego González Machín, Director of BIREME, continues to drive forward the technical cooperation actions of BIREME at national and regional levels, by means of joint activities conducted with PAHO/WHO Offices and the countries’ National institutions in the Region, starting in Colombia, Panama and Mexico. The joint work was also carried out in an official mission to Washington D.C., US, at the PAHO/WHO HQ.
Nursing VHL has international amplitude
The Nursing Virtual Health Library (Nursing VHL, has been developed in a decentralized manner, with the participation of institutions from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, and Uruguay. Its primary objective is to drive the processes of knowledge generation and dissemination, helping to improve nursing education and practice to achieve ethical and social commitment in education, research and healthcare.